Learn about the entreprenurial life of Malcolm S. Pray Jr., and receive a tour of the collection, and then review and discuss his 12 Steps of Success.
All visitors are greeted with a hearty handshake and warm welcome at the door.
At the Malcolm Pray Achievement Center, a typical visit has three aims:
Learn about the entrepreneurial life of Malcolm S. Pray Jr (2 minute video)
Learn about the history and design of cars (Guided Tour of two garages, 1 hour)
Learn about oneself and one's goals (Review Malcolm S. Pray Jr "12 Steps of Success" 15-20 ,minutes)
Malcolm S. Pray Jr's 12 Steps of Success are all practical tips that a 9, 19 or 99 year old can do. They are printed on a plastic license plate and each visitor leaves with his advice in hand and a hearty handshake farewell.